GM screens are great for referencing rules without having to page through a thick rpg rule book. Some of us choose not to use them because they can be intrusive and create a physical barrier between the players and the game master. Use them or not, there can be some pretty creative screens out there – be it fold out plastic Castle Greyskull or using cd jewel cases, they can add some pizzaz to the rpg game table. 

Random Encounter

Emails and feedback from Forrest Aguirre, Angela Murray, and Chris Steele.

Victor Wyatt via G+ and Roger Brasslett on G+ comment on episode 86 when we discussed secret/side conversations at the rpg table.

Die Roll




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About the Author
The 'S' of Gaming and BS podcast. Besides producing and hosting the show, Sean enjoys long walks on the beach, running rpg's, and killing player...characters.