
About the Author
The 'S' of Gaming and BS podcast. Besides producing and hosting the show, Sean enjoys long walks on the beach, running rpg's, and killing player...characters.

126 Dragons!

Dragons! They are ancient creatures of legend causing fear in player characters throughout the years. Claw, claw, tail, bite attacks. “Save versus breath weapon” and the feeling of impending doom sets in as you pick up the d20, rolling it inside your fist before you close your eyes and toss it upon the gaming table….

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125 Wilderness Encounters

Brett goes full on Ranger as we go on to talk about wilderness encounters. You can come across interesting things while walking around in the woods, and the night can make you lose your way. We share some of our own wilderness encounters.

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124 Politics in Role-playing Games

The politics in gaming, the politics ooo feeling good. We touch on law, but tie it into politics and that doesn’t make any sense. Politics is full of intrigue, plotting and scheming. We hit it at a high level, of course.

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123 Social Encounters in RPG’s

Social encounters in role-playing games. There’s the ongoing debate on how to handle a not-so-social player playing a type-A rpg character and how mechanics and/or oratory skills play into the encounter.

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