Episode Archive

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092 Humor in Roleplaying Games

Humor in roleplaying games, there’s a time and place for it. It can bring levity, but how much is too much and what happens when it gets out of control? Is it really worth killing a player…character over it?  It can depend on the game you’re playing. Some games like Paranoia can certainly bring humor…

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091 Powerful Items in RPGs

Powerful items in rpg’s, game masters give them out from time-to-time. It’s the +5 Holy Avenger or some ancient artifact that can grant Wish or Resurrection spells. You run the risk of breaking your game, or do you? We as Dungeon Masters may regret providing these powerful magic items, but what do you do after one of the members…

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090 Keeping Players Engaged

Keeping players engaged, there are a few things you can do. Often times it’s because they’re bored or not engaged. As a GM you can do a few things. Hell, Brett goes as far as doing one-on-ones. “How are you liking your character? What goals are you trying to achieve?” It’s gotta be his promotion…

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089 Interpreting Die Rolls

Interpreting die rolls, or do you use degrees of success with systems that don’t facilitate such a mechanic? Of course there are role-playing game systems like Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG or Powered by the Apocalypse Dungeon World, and even Savage Worlds all have some type of heightened success or failure. But what about the popular…

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