Brett lives in Wisconsin and has been running rpg’s for over 30 years, and is the GM of his long-time gaming group. He organized the Wausau Gaming Group in 1991 with 13 other members, many of whom still game with him to this day. He has also been a guest of honor for the DC Everest Game Club and is also an integral leader in organizing the Ever Con gaming convention, a tabletop gaming convention held in Wausau, Wisconsin every January.
His collection of RPGs, whether in print or pdf, amount to about 60 core systems, which we’re sure he’ll be playing or gm’ing any day now.
In December 2018 Brett teamed up with Encoded Designs to bring his fantasy RPG setting Streets of Avalon (buy it here) to life via a very successful Kickstarter making him a published rpg setting author.
RPG’s that he enjoys include OSRIC, Trail of Cthulhu, MERP, and Warhammer Fantasy. Head to Twitter and follow him.
When Brett is not at the gaming table you can find him in the woods of northern Wisconsin or the upper peninsula of Michigan where he likes to partake in hunting season – both bow and rifle. Brett appreciates a fine Scotch, is married, has five kids and two dogs.
Brett and Gaming
A few things you will come to realize about Brett and role-playing games…
- Challenge Ratings be damned! Brett does not believe in game balance.
- He appreciates 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but prefers the OSRIC rendition of the rules format.
- Brett was the game master for a long-running, something like 20 years, Vampire the Masquerade rpg campaign.
- Brett is big on home brew games often doing up his own adventures. He never runs a pre-published module/adventure.
- Not gaming-related, but Brett has not been without facial hair since he was a kid…