Dragonlance, it was an idea by Tracy and Laura Hickman that became a D&D game at TSR. It ultimately went on to be adventure modules, books and even a movie.


Sean’s content on Patreon

Random Encounter

Jared of House Rascher comments on GM meta

Matt of House of Bohnhoff on Metagaming vs Immersion

Blake of House Ryan emails us on Game Master Meta Terms

DM of House Cojo emails us about falling damage

Ron of House Bishop, a quick blurb on inclusiveness

Louis of House H on hindrances, small groups and suspension of disbelief

Greg of House Palachek comments about starter boxes

Die Roll


  • Dragonlance Chronicles Trilogy Gift Set (amazon)
  • Dragonlance Nexus is one of the most comprehensive sources for the Dragonlance setting.  The Nexus includes fan art, gaming rules, a product section, a Lexicon and more.
  • Dragonlance movie: Dragons of Autumn Twilight on Youtube. Original movie site here.
  • Dragonlance Canticle podcast produced by Dragonlance Nexus
  • 660+ pins of Dragonlance art on Pinterest collection by Erik Varnum
  • The Spy Game now on kickstarter, uses the ruleset from the world’s most popular role-playing game. August 9th, 2019 deadline.
  • Mad Magazine to cease publication per Comicbook.com

products may include affiliate links where we earn rewards from your purchase.

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About the Author
The 'S' of Gaming and BS podcast. Besides producing and hosting the show, Sean enjoys long walks on the beach, running rpg's, and killing player...characters.