combat in rpgs

085 Counting Coup in RPGs

Counting coup in rpgs, it stems from an old tradition of the Native Americans. In roleplaying games it can be considered a different way to handle combat. It doesn’t always have to be ‘to the death’! What if a nonplayer character needs the party to do some bidding, yet they still need to convey their…

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079 Latency in RPG Combat

Latency in rpg combat occurs from time to time. Sure there are roleplaying games that have higher rates, or delays, in how combat is resolved. What causes this ‘latency’ we speak of? It could be that many players simply don’t know all the rules. Maybe there are too many rules to remember. How does a…

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066 Critical Hits and Fumbles in RPGs

Critical hits and fumbles in tabletop roleplaying games, how do they enrich your game or can they be just plain silly? Some systems have critical hits and fumbles built into it. Most of us may have taken it upon ourselves to incorporate such a system into our house rules. Dungeon Crawl Classics make critical hits…

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